The Odyssey,where the King of Ithaca was seduced by the nymph Calypso.In this tale, Odysseus embarks on a ten-year journey home following the Trojan War. Encountering many adventures along the way, a storm ship wrecks him on Ogygia.
Klaster Dubrovnik, u koji su uključene Turističke zajednice općina Mljet, Dubrovačko primorje, Župa Dubrovačka, Konavle i Turistička zajednica grada Dubrovnika kreiraju novu zajedničku...
The development of cycling tourism has created the need for a simple and practical type of urban equipment intended for cyclists, and Mljet has gone that extra step to make sure that cyclists have an...
The Mljet Tourist Board traditionally organises an Easter Events. Program includes Egg painting and palm weaving workshop, Flower Fair, Easter breakfast & egg game.
Tourism presentation of Mljet, Korcula & Peljesac organised by Dubrovnik and Neretva County Tourist board and Ojla travel agency in Slovenia for Valentine's day with the most beautiful dalmatian...
The traditional Workshop of Gathering Wild Edible Plants, including education,harvesting and preparation under the expert guidance of Mrs. Sani Sardelić from Korčula.